Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty Council Approved at its meeting held on 14.03.2017 to grant the Master of Engineering student: Heba Mohamed Hossam Department of Architecture the theme:

Architecture and healthy communities. 

Under the supervision ofProf. Inas Farouk Hamdi , Prof. Khaled Elsayed Hagla, Prof. Dina Mohamed

The SIS Global Forum University Competition is now open. The best abstract submission of innovative applications of Schlumberger Software will be selected, and the author will be invited to present at the Forum in Paris - travel,registration and hotel expenses will be covered by Schlumberger.


For students to participate, they have to submit an abstract that demonstrates innovative utilization of Schlumberger software within their academic training.


To enter the competition please submit an abstract at www.sisforum2017.com/papers .


Abstract are due March 31, should be in English, contain no images, and be no longer than 400 words.


For more details see the attached files.

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