Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty Council Approved at its meeting held on 13.06.2017 to grant the Master of Engineering Science student: Sharouk Adel Hassan Department of Sanitary Engineering the theme:

Utilization of bio-film sequencing batch reactor for pulp and paper industrial wastewater treatment.

Under the supervision ofProf.Mohamed Sadek Eladwy , Prof.Waled Abdelazeem Ibrahim ,Prof.Mai abdelfattah Fayed.

The Faculty Council Approved at its meeting held on 13.06.2017 to grant the Master of Engineering student:

Ibrahim Magdy Ibrahim Department of Mechanical Engineering the theme:

Design of petroleum storage tanks.  

Under the supervision ofProf.Sadek Zakaria Kassab.

The Faculty Council Approved at its meeting held on 13.06.2017 to grant the Master of Engineering Science student: Amira Mohamed Saeed Department of Architecture Engineering the theme:

Prospects of walkability in city neighborhoods: An approach for sustainable urban development. Case study: the city center of Alexandria. 


Under the supervision ofProf.Tarek Abdel hameed Farghaly , Prof.Hassan Mohamed Kamal.

The Faculty Council Approved at its meeting held on 13.06.2017 to grant the Master of Engineering student:

Ahmed Osama Hassan Department of Chemical Engineering the theme:

Removal of dyes from waste water.  

Under the supervision ofProf.Mostafa Ibrahim Salem.

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