Faculty of Engineering

Mission,Vision and Values

Faculty Mission 

Creating a university climate for continuous evolution to generate leaders for tomorrow of qualified engineering cadres; educationally, professionally, and ethically allowing them to compete, work as a team, innovate, and create while establishing a culture of entrepreneurship and continuous education. Encouraging research and scientific and technical publications, and exchanging knowledge according to the best academic, professional and digital practices, while making an impact at local, regional and international levels through the search for solutions and the development of technologies that face the challenges of society and contribute to the development of the cognitive abilities of its individuals and institutions.


Faculty Vision

To be a faculty of institutional excellence, providing education facing the rapid and continuous development of knowledge production and digital transformation, conducting scientific research that achieves a quantum leap in engineering fields and serves the community in its distinguished geographic environment, and to be  pioneer at local, regional, and international levels.


Faculty Values

Commitment to the principles and values of academic and professional integrity in all Faculty activities. This is besides respecting intellectual property rights, commitment to objectivity in practices, availability of data and providing information on self- performance and knowledge for all society individuals and various institutions. The Faculty is committed to adopt a system that involves ethical principles and rules governing practices on all levels of different fields and systems. This is done to ensure objectivity, controls and tools of accounting and reviewing related to behavior and practices as well as commitment to quality, excellence, innovation, development, freedom of thought and research.

Faculty Goals


By analyzing vision, mission and values, Faculty of Engineering aims at preparing graduates who are able to hereunder:

 Commanding modern basic engineering sciences and humanities.

Commanding modern technology and information technology and how to deal with it.

Decision-making, dealing with crisis and solving problems.

Language proficiency required to benefit from knowledge globalization.

Communicating and interacting with and affecting the surrounding community.

Competing in labor market in the light of changing circumstances of the international community.

Applying methods of scientific thinking, analysis and deduction with the desire of continual learning.

Doing academic and applied research in different engineering disciplines.Contributing in serving society and environment by participating in setting future and strategic visions required to sustainable development especially in desert and marine environments.

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