Faculty of Engineering

About Us

Establishment and Development

Faculty of Engineering was established at the University of King Fuad I (Cairo) in the beginning of the academic year 1942-1941. Its branch in Alexandria for the preparatory class was in Arts and Crafts school at ElShatbi. A year later, a decree of establishing the University of King Farouk I was issued and this section became the starting point of Faculty of Engineering.

Studying began in the Faculty in the academic year 1942-1943 AD for preparatory and freshman of 169 students, with no female students included. Then, establishing the department began by departments of Architecture, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering. The first class graduated at the end of the academic year 1945-1946 of 50-Bachelor students and only one post graduate student.

The number of staff members, assistant lecturers and demonstrators was about 1279 with 13895 registered students in the academic year 2012-2013. The number of alumni in the academic year 2012-2013 is 2316 alumni of all specializations who will be added to more than 60,000 graduated alumni since 1946.

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