Faculty of Engineering

Volume 41 No.1

A numerical simulation of impact force on a heaved floating body with moving boundaries

A.A.A. Moustafa

 An empirical equation fo inlet flushing capacity

EI-Ansary a, K. H. Baghdady a, M. A. EI-Mooty a and Y. M. M. Gewilli b

Analysis and prediction of the monthly electric load in Jeddah city

Abdullah O. Ba-Fail

 Bed load transport and erosion rate in streams with rigid vegetation

Hossam M. Nagy

Comparison of some forecasting models for air travel movements at Riyadh international airport, Saudi Arabia

Abdullah O. Ba-Fail, Seraj Y. Abed and Sajjad M. Jasimuddin

Cyclic fatigue crack propagation behaviour under mode I loading conditions for SiC-AI matrix composites

Yassin L. Nimir

Design charts for pontoon docks and breakwaters

Mahmoud A Sharaki a,Suzan M. Fadel b, MahmoudFaiz band Adel M. Fahim b

Evaluation of dynamic and static dispatching strategies for dynamically planned and unplanned flexible manufacturing systems

M.G. Abou-Ali a and M.A. Shouman b

Global radiation estimation using typical daily meteorological information for Saudi Arabia

Ahmad A. Al-Shooshan

 Impact failure of continuous fiber reinforced AI-matrix composites subjected to low velocity impact

Ramadan J. Mustafa, Yassin L. Nimir and Mahmoud Alhusein Dept. oJ

 Models to estimate emissions from railway transport systems

Mohamed Hafez Fahmy Aly

Present-day crustal deformation derived from continuous GPS array: a study case of Japan

Gamal EI-Fiky a, Ashraf Mousa a, Mostafa Rabah a andHassan EI-Ghazoly b

Safety assessment for ship hull girders taking account of corrosion effects

EL- Badan, H.W. Leheta, Y. A. Abdel- Nasser and M. A. Moussa

Sensitivity analysis for the stripping ratio in a phosphate mine

Ghaleb Y. Abbasi a and Ayman M. AI-Hadidi b

 Soil moisture detection using soil thermal response

Ahmad A. AI-Shooshan

Tensioned flexible membrane breakwater for obliquely incident waves

Mahmoud A. Sharaki




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