Faculty of Engineering

About Us

Electrical Power and Machines Engineering

The program of Electrical Power and Machines Engineering contributes to preparing a distinguished quality of high-level graduates, who have an excellent academic background that combines the basic knowledge and skills required to enable them to solve the problems of the various sectors of their society in the fields of power engineering, electrical machines and automatic control. They will also be able to analyze and design systems in these fields. In addition, the program is keen to instill ethical principles related to the electrical engineering profession.


The program of Electrical Power and Machines Engineering aims to achieve the following:

  • Development of the ability to apply knowledge of natural sciences, sports, and engineering to solve engineering problems.
  • Development of the ability to design and conduct experiments in the field of power and electrical engineering with the analysis and translation of the results of these experiments.
  • Development of the ability to design components, systems, and circuits to achieve some requirements in electrical engineering.
  • Empower teamwork with colleagues from different scientific and professional backgrounds.
  • Develop the ability to identify some problems in the field of electrical engineering with the ability to find solutions to these problems and evaluate them.
  • Conscious understanding of the ideals and responsibilities of the profession.
  • Developing the ability to absorb technical and professional changes in the field of electrical engineering.
  • To confirm the ability to use the skills, methods, and tools of modern electrical engineering, including techniques based on the use of computers to practice the profession.

Communications and Electronics Engineering Program


The Communications and Electronics Engineering program contributes to providing a distinguished graduate capable of interacting with the community, addressing its needs, researching solutions to relevant issues, and developing new Engineering technologies

through research projects that meet the needs of society.”


1. Provide graduates with the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience needed in careers related to the field of communications, electronics, control, transmission media, and computer systems.

2. Enable graduates to analyze, configure, operate, and design complex communication systems, electrical and electronic devices, transmission media, control systems, and hybrid systems with tailored hardware and software.

3. Empower graduates with mathematical principles, scientific methodologies, engineering technologies, and critical thinking skills to identify, analyze, and design solutions to broadly defined engineering problems appropriate to the communications and electronics discipline.

4. Motivate graduates to engage in professional development activities to adapt to evolving job responsibilities, technical challenges, or career opportunities and succeed in a wide range of specialties through life-long learning, advanced education, and other creative pursuits in science and technology.

5. Encourage graduates to progress in technical competence and increase responsibility in the practice of engineering, and to contribute to the diversity of thought and creativity in the workplace.

6. Prepare graduates to contribute effectively as an individual, or as a member in a team, and provide leadership in their professional careers.

7. Instill ethics and social duties of the engineering profession in graduates and the desire to serve their community.

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