Faculty of Engineering

Volume 41 No.6

A comprehensive classification scheme for FM s scheduling problems

M. A. Shoumana, M. A. Abo EI-Nourb, H. EI-Awadib and M. A. EI-Fatahb

 An algorithm for accurately solving population balance problems

A.M. Altaweel, J.R. Webber, R.e. Devavarapu and Y.P. Gupta  

 An improvement n secure communication in personal communication system

Nawal A. EI-Fishawy and Albert M. Tadros

Behavior of DT-joints in CHS stainless steel tubes including the effect of tensile chord force

Mohamed Mahmoud EI-Heweity

Comparison of using dispatching mechani ms in mutli-cel1 an random flexible manufacturing system

M.G. Abou-Alia and M.A. Shoumanb

Development 0f a land survey s system with CAD I GIB interfacing capabilities

Khalid Lotfy Ahmed EI-Ashmawy

 Effect of multi-layers soil under hydraulic structures on seepage characteristics

E.A. EI-Kasabya, A.A. Mohamedb, M.F. Sobeihc, A.K.

Efficient materialized view maintenance in mobile environments using interleaved Pull-Push algorithm

Noha Adly, Yousry Taha, and Magdy Nagi

Nancy Samaan

 Improving the stability and accuracy of population balance numerical solutions: 1- methods of describing drop size distribution

G. Polprasert, A.M. AITaweel, J. Webber and P. Gupta, A.S.I. EIsayed

 Initialization of operator training simulator for Alexandria regional control center (application on load flow)

A. M. Moussaa, E. N. Abdallaha and T. Hanafyb

New types of separation axioms for frames

A. A. Abo Khadraa and A. I. EI-Maghrabib

On the use of expert systems, multi-criteria decision making, and geographic information systems in site selection (quick review)

M. A. Shoumana, A. H. Reyadb and G. M. Nawarab , K. A. Eldrandaly and D. Z. Sui

Performance evaluation of a hybrid location management scheme for mobile systems

Noha Adly a and Hazem D. Elmeleegy

Radiometric normalization of remotely sensed images: a new approach using linear scattergram regression

Hafez Abbas Afify

Risk of damage to marine life caused by air gun as a marine seismic source

S. A. Hussien, Yasser Ali Hassan and Mourad Basiely

Study of mechanism for crease removal on spreading machine

Afaf Mohamed, Magdy EL Messiery, Abou-Bakr Mito and Mohamed Sultan

Study of the charismatic force upon the ships inside the navigation locks

Kassem S. EI-Alfya, M. F. Sobeihb, A. M. Talaatc, A. Fahmyd and M. kamele

Traffic model and performance evaluation of handling voice and data over multilayer cellular radio network

Nawal A. EI-Fishawy

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