Faculty of Engineering

Volume 46 No.6

Assessment of drainage water quality due to covering of agricultural drains project in Egypt

 Hossam M. Moghazy a, Hamdy A. Sief b and Mahmoud A. El-Hadad c

Comparative study of ring, semi-compact, and compact spun yarns

 Magdy ElMessiry

 Correction of cadastral maps of scale 1:5000

 Ramadan Khalil

Data capture using vectorization of satellite images and maps to serve change detection

 Aly M. El-Naggar

Decolorization of disperse dye solutions by electrocoagulation

 N.K. Amin a, E-S.Z. El-Ashtoukhy a and O. Abdelwahab b

Effect of eliminating the decaying direct current component from the current signal on the discrete fourier transform based phasor estimation technique

 Hesham B. Elrefaie

Effect of installation method on the uplift capacity of piles in sand

 Ashraf K. Nazir

Effect of openings on the behaviour of reinforced concrete two-way slabs

 Tarek I. Ebeido

Implementation and analysis of microcontroller based soft starters for three phase induction motors

 Hamdy. A. Ashour and Rania. A. Ibrahim

Integrated voice, and data over OFDMA-based cellular networks

 G.A.F.M. Khalaf

Modeling and experimental investigation of the electrochemical hole sizing process

 Essam Soliman and Hassan El-Hofy

Out of plane buckling of cross bracing members

 Fathy A. Abdelfattah

Rectification using a modified model of rational function

Ramadan Khalil

Rheology and viscosity of bagasse black liquor

 M.M. Nassar a, T.E. Farrag a and M.M. El-Halwany b

Thermal radiation absorption in fuel droplets

 W.A. Abdelghaffar, A.E. El-Wardany and M.M. El-kassaby

Uplift behavior of horizontal anchor plates buried in geosynthetic reinforced slopes

 Mostafa El Sawwaf

Voltage stability analysis in multi-infeed HVDC systems

 A.A. Lotfya, I. Bedirb and G.E.M. Alyb

Wideband CMOS-LC voltage controlled oscillators with low-phase-noise

 Mohamed Alazab

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