Faculty of Engineering

Alexandria Engineering Journal ranks 8th globally

Alexandria Engineering Journal ranks 8th globally among the best multidisciplinary engineering journals worldwide with an impact factor of 6.8 within top Q1 category and ranks first among Egyptian journals indexed in the Clarivate Analytics JCR ranking
Alexandria University President, Prof. Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa announced that Alexandria Engineering Journal (AEJ) which is published by the international publisher Elsevier, received an impact factor of 6.8, which is the highest impact factor for the journal in its history. The new impact factor places the journal among the highest 8.9% indexed journals in its field and within the Q1 category according to the Clarivate Analytics JCR ranking 2022.
Prof. Dr. Konsowa added that the journal ranked 8th globally among multidisciplinary engineering journals worldwide and also ranked first among Egyptian journals indexed in the Clarivate JCR list, adding that the Citescore of the journal also increased from 8.3 in the year 2021 to 9.1 in the year 2022.
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