A modified design of el-Mahrousa canal under continuous flow system using SOBEK
Mohammed A. Nassar
A new family of MIMO receivers based on the equivalence between the MMSE and Tikhonov regularization
Masoud Alghoniemy
Application of queuing theory on the planning of sea ports
Mohamed El-Sayed M. El-Naggar
DSR-V: A Direction-based Stable Routing Protocol for VANETs
Amal El-Nahas
Enhancement of steel sheet-piling quay walls using grouted-ties technique
Mohamed E. El-Naggar
Finite element modelling and stresses analysis of moonpool area of a drillship
Ahmed MH Elhewy
Mohamed H. Al-Jefry, Amr Abdel-Kader and Mohamed S. El-Adawy
Inspired formation of silica nanostructure
Amal M. Ibrahim a, M.M. Abd El-Latif b, H. Beheri c, Mohamed M. Selim a
Jack-up’s leg structural analysis
H. Elosta, H. Leheta, Y. Abdel Nasser and K. Atua
New approach to humidity control at hot humid climate
Ahmed A. Hanafy a, Abd El-Hamid A. El-Sayed b and Akram Mohamed b
Utilization of reluctance type mixed pole machine as a tachogenerator
Ragi A. Hamdy
Utilization of rice hulls for adsorption of methylene blue dyes from aqueous solution
Azza El-Maghraby