An experimental study on finite amplitude oscillations in ducts:
the effect of adding variable area part to the openend of constant-area resonant tube
Ahmed A. Sileem and M. Nasr
Combined effects of cadmium and zinc on the activated sludge process
M. T. Sorour
Helmi M. Hathoot
Evaluation of a proposed neural network predictive model for grind-hardening
H. A. Youssef, M. Y. Al-Makky and M. M. Abd-Elwahab
M. S. Mostafa, R. M. Kamal and M. H. Gobran
High speed transmission line fault classification using an Elman neural network
- Megahed
Tarek A. Farghaly
Load equivalence factors as function of axial loads and tire pressure for design of flexible pavemet
Gomma K. M. Moussa a and Saad El-Hamrawy
Ibrahim A. Z. Qatawneh
Power system state estimation based on fuzzy linear regression technique
Amr Abou-Ghazala a and Nabil H. Abbasy b
Shear lag in bolted tension members at elastic and yielding loading conditions
Fathy A. Abdelfattah and Mohamed S. Soliman
Structural modifications for the longitudinal strength of lengthened ships
H. S. El-Kilani and R. Ramadan
Thermal analysis of air-cooled condensers of water chillers
M. A. Hassab, S. M. Elsherbiny, H. E. Fath and M. K. Mansour
Uplift pressure relief on lined canals using tile drains
R. I. Nasr a, B. A. Zeydan a, M. F. Bakry b and M. S. Saloom c
Wear behavior of squeeze cast Al-SiCP composites at room and elevated temperature
E. Y. EL-Kady a , F. Mahmoud a , and G. Nassef