Characteristics of submerged hydraulic jumps in radial basins with a vertical drop in the bed
- Negm, G. M. Abdel-Aal, M.M. Elfiky and Y. Abdalla Mohamed
- T. Sorour and A. M. Sayed-Ahmed
Mahmoud El-Gammal, Amr Abou-Ghazala and Tarek El-Shennawy
Failure analysis of metallic structures and components: part II- a case study
Ashraf Ragab Ali Mohamed
Failure analysis of metallic structures and components: part I- methodology and tools
Ashraf Ragab Ali Mohamed
Filter extensions of open nuclei
E. F. Lasheina and A. I. El-Maghrabib
Ideal extension of open D-nuclei
- F. Lasheina and A. I. El-Maghrabib
Limit analysis of ultimate strength of I-sections subjected to edge loading using genetic algorithms
H.M.F. Ghanema, A.A.M. Ibrahima, M.A.F.Diwana and K.M. Shawkib
Optimization of earthwork allocation with multiple soil types
Mohammad A. Ammar, Adel I. Eldosouky and Fayez A. Jarad
Proper repair of failure for ship structural connections
- A. Abdel – Nasser
Retrofitting of RC beams predamaged in shear using CFRP sheets
Said M. Allam and Tarek I. Ebeido
M.Y. Abdelfattah
The optimum location of geotextile reinforcement in asphalt layers
Gomaa K. M. Moussa
WIG configuration prediction using neural network approach
- A. Kotb and A. M. Rashwan