Faculty of Engineering

Volume 39 No.6

A method for estimating the 3-parameter of the Weibull distribution

Eldesoky E. Afify

Adaptive imperfect column with piezoelectric actuators

Abdulrnalik A. A. Alghamdi

Analysis of a proposed high microwave power ion gyromonotron

Hosny A. El-Motaafy

Bioclimatic approach in designing tower office buildings

Tarek Farghaly and Hassan Abdel-Salarn

Breeding ratio, minimum startup inventory and doubling time in fusion power reactors

Alya A. Badawi

Comparative study for the computational method.s of uplift pressures underneath hydraulic structures

A.A. EI- Masrvm, Yousry Ghazaw

Comparative study on precise leveling data using different equipment

Sayed El-Naghi

Decomposition of saudi phosphate rock with nitric acid
I. Al-Zahrani

Effect of the first local buckling mode on the behaviour of steel I-Section beam-columns

Raafat E. S. Ismail, Hesham Ali Zien El Din

Fast recovery selective repeat- ARQ protocol

Sayed Abd El Hadi Nouh

The effect of outdoor weathering conditions on the fracture toughness of PVC pipes
I. Uick, A.M. EL-Amri

The validation of ASExpert-an expert system proposed Cor use in activated sludge wastewater treatment plants

M. Tarek Sorour, Mohamed A. EL- Iskandarani and Laila M. F. Bahgat

Urban development and traditions: the case of Dubai-UAE

Mohamed Assem Mahmoud Hanafi

تحديد كفاءة أساليب الانشاء المناسبة لاسكان محدودى الدخل من حيث الاداء والتكلفه

رمضان عبدالمقصود و هشام جلال الشيمي

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