The Chemical Engineering subjects to acquire the Bachelor of Science Degree include:
Alternative energy resources | Biochemical engineering | Chemical engineering fundamentals |
Chemical process control | Chemical process industries | Chemical processes |
Chemical reaction engineering | Composites and reinforced materials | Corrosion engineering |
Design of chemical processes | Dyestuffs and textile finishing | Electrochemical processes |
Engineering chemistry | Engineering metallurgy | Extractive metallurgy |
Fertilizers technology | Fluid flow engineering | Fuel engineering and combustion |
Heat transfer | Inorganic and analytical chemistry | Inorganic chemistry |
Materials science | Mechanical unit operations | Modeling and simulation in chemical engineering |
Natural gas engineering | Non-Newtonian fluids | Oils and fats technology |
Organic chemistry | Petrochemicals | Petroleum refining engineering |
Physical chemistry | Polymer engineering | Programmed calculations for chemical engineers |
Safety engineering and explosives | Separation processes | Silicate industries |
Surfaces chemistry and phase equilibria | Technology of natural fibers and tissues | Thermodynamics in chemical engineering |
Treatment of solid and gas wastes | Wastewater treatment | Water desalination |
Water treatment |